Bacon, Red potatoes and Toast w/ OJ
Sausage links and hash browns w/ OJ
Cheesy scrambled eggs and toast w/ OJ
Pancakes w/ OJ
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls w/ OJ
French Toast and Sausage Links w/ OJ
Egg Sandwiches and Red potatoes w/ OJ
LUNCHES: (2 heat-ups, 2 sacks and 3 Home for Rob)
MON- Leftovers for Rob/ Chicken Noodle Soup for Rachel
TUES- Sack Lunch for Rob/ Giant Salad for Rachel
WED- Leftovers for Rob/ Grilled Chicken Sandwich and raw veggies for Rachel
THURS- Sack Lunch for Rob/
FRI- Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese
SAT- Hamburgers and Grilled Veggies
SUN- after church OUT
MON- Pizza
TUES- Crock-Pot Potato Soup (recipe on supercook.com) w/ Corn Bread
WED- Shepherd’s Pie
THURS- City Chicken with Zucchini
FRI- Apple and Sage Pork Chops with Rice
SAT- White Cheddar Mac and Cheese
SUN- open
Snack Crackers with Cheese
Homemade Trail Mix (Cheerios, Nuts, Raisins)
Sliced Apple with Peanut Butter
Kellogg’s Bars
Celery with Salt and Peanut Butter
Muffin or other baked good
Sack Lunches: PB&J or Turkey w/ Swiss Cheese Sandwich; Fruit; Chips or Crackers; Dessert Cookie or Bread; Yogurt or String Cheese
For more menu plans and ideas, visit Organizing Junkie.
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