But I digress. There is help. Organized Christmas is getting ready to launch their 6 week Christmas countdown for free. Think of it as a personal assistant to help you prepare for the holidays. The countdown begins the last week in October and goes through all aspects of Christmas planning until the first Saturday in December, leaving you free to enjoy the holidays with little stress.
The countdown includes 6 weekly themes, a free printable Christmas planner, and daily inspiring messages.
Although your family will likely have more to do than what is just included in this plan, I thought it was a wonderful way to get and stay organized for the upcoming holidays. Passionate Homemaking recommended an e-book, The 12 Week Holiday Planner for Christian Families, which I have been eyeing for a while. However, I have been reluctant to spend the money, so the Christmas Countdown is a wonderful budget-friendly alternative.
I will be blogging here about this countdown and my progress, and feel free to join me in this endeavor! Let's make this Christmas full of fun loving memories and leave stress behind!
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