So, here is my ambitious, but doable, plan!
- 2 batches of Waffles
- 3 loaves of bread (2 whole wheat, 1 white- in the breadmaker)
- 2 loaves of banana bread
- 1 batch of sugar cookies (disounted from Aldi)
- 1 dozen chocolate chip muffins
- 1 dozen bran muffins
- 1 batch of white rice
- 2 pounds of ground chuck or ground turkey
- 1 batch of shredded chicken (crockpot)
- marinated chicken
- 5lbs of homemade mashed potatoes
I'm not sure if I'll get all this done over the weekend or not, but I'm certainly going to try! It will probably take me two days to get all the cooking and baking done, but I am up for the challenge. In order to motivate myself to really do it, I am getting my nails done once it's over!! On Monday or Tuesday, I'll share pictures and post how the freezer cooking day went, and what I'll do differently next time.
If you would like to join in on the Freezer Cooking day challenge, link up at MoneySavingMom.com, where you can get ideas from other ladies doing the challenge.
good luck babe!
wow, this is a great idea.... I don't think i would be able to get it all done in one weekend either. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.
We do a version of this in my house; except, it's more like "refrigerator cooking day", and we do it once a week. Still, it helps us save a LOT of time, and amazingly, money too. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you!
Confessions From A Working Mom
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